25 Oct, 23

Resistance and Survival: Rescue in Denmark, Oct. 1943

2023-11-27T15:23:54+00:00October 25, 2023|Resistance|

Eighty years ago this month, in October 1943, 95% of Denmark’s Jewish population was rescued from Nazi-occupied Denmark during the Holocaust, when they were ferried from Denmark to Sweden in a short period of a few days. During this exodus, over seven thousand Danish Jews were saved. This amazing story is one of the most remarkable examples of mass resistance and escape in modern history. It is an important example of resistance, bravery, survival, and community [...]

16 Aug, 23

Sinead O’Conner – A Beautiful Voice and The Damaging Effects of Trauma

2023-12-01T17:51:36+00:00August 16, 2023|Resistance|

I’ve been waiting to write this blog post since a couple of weeks ago when I first heard that the late Sinead O’Conner suddenly passed away at age 56. She was an amazingly gifted and complex individual who screamed out for help through her songs and her actions. Whether you agreed with and understood her cries or not, she had a voice that couldn’t be ignored, and she spoke to millions of people about her pain [...]

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